How do I become an admin or moderator for the MOVA Facebook group?

We would love have you help us moderate. Once you are an Associate Member. Fill out the contact us form and make sure you tell us in the message that you would like to be a Facebook group moderator.

Why aren’t all member services, content and benefits free?

That would be nice. But making it all happen isn’t free. The membership fee is set very low and covers operating expenses.

Why do I need to enter all that information?

“Why do I need to enter all that information on the site registration form, the Associate Membership form and the payment form?”


We use that information to verify the payments are credited to the correct user and correct Associate Member.

What is mo-va.org?

MOVA uses both
missourivendorassociation.com and
mo-va.org a domains.
mo-va.org is more like a short easy to remember alternative to missourivendorassociation.com.